
Gaming & stuff...

Tuesday 16 April 2013

New balls please!

Just a quick update today, with some more of my converted Skaven blood bowl team.

Today I have a couple of linemen, and my throwers.

As I mentioned before, I wasn't happy with the thrower conversions, and I remain unsatisfied. I may have another go in the future (when I either secure some new balls - ooer, fnar fnar, etc. - or try making some in green stuff), but they'll do for now.

So here's the first one, lucky number 7:

#7 - looks fine from this angle

Hmm, are you sure that ball is regulation standard?

Definitely not an orc skull? You promise? OK. 
So finding a hand in the throwing position was beyond my limited means: I tried using a spare orc shaman hand I had, but it was too big, and too awkward. So I opted for simply having the ball tucked under the thrower's arm. It's a symbolic ball, anyway. But as I lacked balls - ooer redux - I used what I had to hand. In this instance, an orc skull.

It's vaguely ball shaped: I thought I'd get away with it, and initially painted it red. But it was obviously a skull, so I repainted it skull coloured. What the hell, Skaven probably would play using orc skulls. Or even cheat by bringing on their own balls...

He looks pretty fierce from this angle.

About the size of your ball, sir...
For thrower the second - #8 - I used an undead helmet I had left over from the bitz Andrew gave me. It actually looks pretty good, as one of the plastic balls in the game has metal spikes/collar like that. If you look too closely, of course, it becomes apparent that it's too small, and the wrong shape, but I refer you to my earlier "skaven cheat" point. (Or point behind you and yell "Saulot!". That's for you +Lindsay Law ;)  )

My linemen - linerats? - are pretty dull, though I have a few interesting ones next time, For now, here are the first two, bog standard ones.

 Do you only have one eye?
Who said that?


Nothing much to say about these, but I think they look OK.

The final 4 linemen are more than half done, so should have the starting team done in a couple of days, which is handy as I should be trying them out this Friday...

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